Recipe : gambas, risotto, piquillos and curry/coconut sauce


arcane GAMBAS AND PARMESAN RISOTTO, piquillos and curry/coconut sauce

Ingredients for 4 people:

For the gambas and the Espelette pepper oil:
12 gambas
4 piquillos
1.5 dl Arcane Extraroma rum
5 cl olive oil
1 lime
1/2 bunch of chives
Salt and pepper

For the parmesan risotto:
1 onion
150 gr Arborio rice
50 cl water
1 stock cube
5 cl white wine
20 gr powdered parmesan
5 cl olive oil

For the Espelette pepper oil:
5 cl olive oil
5 pinches of powdered Espelette pepper
1 pinch of salt
For the curry/coconut sauce:
1 knob of butter
5 gr curry
400 ml coconut milk
Salt and pepper
For the coconut crisps:
100 gr fresh coconut

Rhum ArcaneFor the coconut crisps:

Turn on the oven to 80 °C. Make coconut shavings
with a peeler and bake for 30 minutes, then leave to cool.

For the Espelette pepper oil:

Mix the oil, the Espelette pepper, the salt, then leave to marinate.

For the risotto (to be prepared 4 hours in advance):

Boil water and melt the stock cube. Peel and chop the onion and brown it in olive oil in a saucepan until it becomes transparent, then add the rice and sauté for 2 minutes. Pour in the white wine and reduce to low heat then add the broth and cook over low heat until the broth is absorbed. Finally, add the Parmesan. Mold the risotto in a small terrine and place it in the refrigerator and let stand for at least 4 hours. Before the meal, unmold the risotto. Cut it into 4 equal parts. In a frying pan, melt the butter and brown the risotto pavers on each side.

For the gambas (to be prepared 4 hours in advance):

Head and shell the prawns, leaving the last ring and the tail. Slit the back to remove the intestines. Chop the chives, mix the rum, lime juice and olive oil, season and marinate the prawns for at least 2 hours. Cut the piquillos into small triangles. Before serving, drain the prawns. In a frying pan, heat some olive oil and sear the prawns over high heat for about 3 minutes on each side, add the triangles of piquillos and season. Keep warm.

For the curry/coconut sauce:

In a saucepan, brown the curry with the knob of butter for a few seconds then pour in the coconut milk and let reduce to obtain a creamy consistency. Season at the last moment and keep warm.

For the presentation:

Cut 2 cm long sticks from the chives. Place the golden risotto in the centre of the plate, place the prawns and the piquillo triangles around it. Add a spoonful of curry / coconut sauce, sprinkle with coconut chips and chive sticks. Pour a bead of Espelette oil. Serve immediately.


Gambas au rhum Arcane

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