
Belhaven Brewery is a brewery based in Belhaven, Scotland. According to the archive, the brewery dates to at least 1719. It is the largest and oldest independent brewery in Scotland.
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Located only 40 kilometres away from Edinburgh, spring waters and barley fields were the perfect environment to build a brewery.

John Johnstone was the first buyer in 1719. His daughter married Ellis Dudgeon and the brewery produced beer for 150 years, under the name Dudgeon & Co.

In 1846, the train line reached Dunbar, where the Belhaven distillery is located, opening the market to competition. Dudgeon & Co specialises in malting, while still producing small quantities of beer. After World War II, Sandy Dudgeon created the Belhaven Bill character to advertise the brand.

In the 1970’s, the family sold the brewery and many successors developed the brand even further, which was even enlisted on the London stock exchange in 1996. In 2005, the Suffolk brewery Greene King purchased Belhaven and keeps investing for its development.

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