When ordering online, Le Comptoir Irlandais accepts several payment methods to ensure the protection of your banking data:
bank cards
Our banking partners:
Monetico payment belongs to the Crédit Mutuel - CIC group, a local banking network.
When paying, you temporarily leave the Comptoir Irlandais site to register your bank details in the Monetico secure payment area. Double authentication is required during your payment.
The Paypal system is a reliable payment solution. Paypal carries out your transactions without ever communicating your bank details to the beneficiaries. This confidential information is kept only on PayPal's secure servers. Your email address and password are sufficient to make your purchases.
Paypal offers the 4X PayPal payment service: payment spread over 4 equal instalments at no additional cost. Valid from €30 on eligible products by Paypal.
Safe payments:
Our site and the platforms of our partners use an SSL protocol to protect your payments. It takes shape, when you are on the payment page, by:
A pictogram showing at the corner of your browser
: the padlock must be closed;
- In secured mode, the address bar of your browser must show: “https://” instead of “http://”;
When changing from encrypted to non-encrypted mode (and vice versa), a notification message pops-up in your browser.
We advise systematic check of those elements before entering any confidential data, as they guarantee your security. We recommend you shop with the latest version of your browser to enable powerful protocols.
You will be asked the following banking information:
- Bank card number (16 numbers);
- Expiration date;
- Card verification number on the back of the card (3 numbers printed on the signature strip).
We will never ask your secret pin code. Do not disclose it in any circumstances.
According to the “3D secure” security system, for Visa holders (“Verified by Visa”) or MasterCard holders (“MasterCard Secure Code”) your bank might ask for further authentication with confidential information to be entered on your bank’s webpage.