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Clairin spirit is produced in Haiti in one of the island's 532 distilleries. This alcohol made from fermented sugar cane juice offers surprising aromas full of vitality.
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Clairin is an alcohol produced from sugar cane, these are unhybridized and untreated. It is in Haiti that the largest number of distilleries is concentrated, it has no less than 532 while the rest of the Caribbean has 49 distilleries.

The culture of the cane still follows ancestral traditions, the harvest is not mechanized and the transport is done with mules or oxen.

The fermented cane juice is distilled in stills heated over a naked flame and then bottled to the degree of out of the still.

Three cuvées particularly stand out in the production of Clairins, the Casimir produced by Faubert Casimir, the Sajous produced by Michel Sajous and finally the Vaval by Fritz Vaval.

These Clairins spirits illustrate the richness and diversity of Haitian productions, they offer unusual and surprising aromas.

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