Focus Scotch Whisky
Focus on Scotch Whisky
Scotch whisky is emblematic of Scotland. It has precise specifications for the "Scotch" appellation. It is made from malted barley, pure Scottish water and yeast.It is aged in oak casks for at least 3 years, giving the whisky a unique character with complex notes.
Its history goes back centuries to the Middle Ages.Monks in monasteries produced whisky for medicinal and spiritual purposes. Gradually, this became an important commercial activity, often carried out clandestinely. Over time, whisky production was legalized and regulated to ensure product quality and safety.
With its ideal climate, abundant natural resources and traditional know-how, Scotland is the cradle of Scotch whisky. Here are the best Scotch whisky-producing regions:
- Highlands: Glenfiddich, Macallan, Dalmore.
- Lowlands: Glenkinchie.
- Islay: Ardbeg, Lagavulin, Bruichladdich.
- Speyside: Glenlivet, Balvenie, Aberlour.
- Campbeltown: Springbank, Glen Scotia.