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Tea bags

Ideal for infusing, the tea bag allows to get the perfect dosage for your pleasure break without the leaves being dispersed when releasing all their flavours.

Accidental discovery

The invention of the tea bag is attributed to Thomas Sullivan. He was an American tea merchant of British origin in the 20th century. At the time, Thomas Sullivan sent tea samples to his customers in small silk muslin bags. Normally, the aim was for customers to open the tea bags on receipt and transfer them into boxes. But some of her customers decided to plunge them whole into hot water to infuse the tea. This is where the accidental discovery of the tea bag led. Thomas Sullivan ended up intentionally making tea bags by hand and marketing them. Today, they are made from more affordable and available materials.


Tea bags have become very popular. It is now available in a huge variety of flavours, from classic black tea to green tea, as well as many flavoured blends and herbal teas/infusions. Tea bags are easy to use, transport and store. They vary in quality depending on the brand, and are increasingly biodegradable. 

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