Whiskies for cocktails

A selection of the best whiskies to make cocktails like the famous Dubliner, the classic Irish Coffee or simply the marriage of a whisky with a dash of ginger ale. Free delivery from 120€ of purchases.
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The history of cocktails

The history of cocktails began in the United States in the 18th century. It refers to the first drinks mixed to soften the taste of alcohol with the addition of sugar. It was in the 19th century that cocktails began to grow in popularity. In the United States, the word “cocktail” first appeared in a newspaper, referring to a mixture of alcohol, sugar, water and bitters.

It was at this time that some of the most famous cocktails appeared, such as the famous “Old Fashioned”, made with whisky. Then came Prohibition in the USA in 1920, which spurred innovation in the art of the cocktail, as numerous recipes were devised to hide the taste of contraband alcohol.

Another date that marked a new period of experimentation was the post-war years. This gave rise to more sophisticated cocktails. These were generally white rum-based cocktails such as the Maï Taï or the Daïquiri, widely consumed in the United States.

Today, the cocktail is known the world over. Classic cocktails have found their place alongside new creations.

There are cocktails based on whisky, gin, vodka, rum, etc.


When preparing cocktails, it's essential to choose a whisky that complements the other ingredients without dominating the drink. Here are a few tips:

- Old Fashioned: Use a bourbon or rye for a robust base. Add a little sugar, bitters, and a touch of orange.

- Whisky Sour: A bourbon or blended scotch works well. Blend with fresh lemon juice, sugar syrup and an egg white for a velvety texture.

- Highball: A blended scotch pairs perfectly with sparkling water and a slice of lemon for a light, refreshing cocktail.

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